Welcome to KidsOutAndAbout.com: Information for organization users | What’s happening in Houston

Welcome to KidsOutAndAbout.com: Information for organization users

KidsOutAndAbout.com is North America's online resource for parents, grandparents, and caregivers who want to know what's happening locally for kids, teens, and families. This page contains information about how organizations who provide local activities and resources can get started using the site.

First, play the video below for a quick minute-and-a-half introduction to the site from founder and publisher Debra Ross:

If you're brand-new to KidsOutAndAbout.com:

1) Get a user IDClick here to create a new user ID and password to KidsOutAndAbout.

2) Post your organization's main contact info and general description: From your new My Account page, click Add Organization. Start typing your organization name. If it pops up, it means that the organization already has a listing on our site, in which case click the Claim Organization button; it will undergo a brief review and you'll be alerted when you be come an approved Admin. If it does not pop up, complete the Add Organization form; only include general information here, not information about specific events. Make sure not to skip the Categories tab (so your organization will automatically appear on all appropriate lists) or the Graphics tab.

3) Post to our calendar: After your organization is approved (or you are approved as an admin of an existing organization), you'll get a note indicating that you are now an admin and can post to the calendar any time you have an upcoming event or camp. 

If you know your user ID and password (or if you know you have one)

Log in here. If your computer does not remember your password, the system can send you a new one.

a) Update your organization listing: If your user ID is already attached to your organization, you'll see it on your My Account page. Use the EDIT button to update your main account, and the ADD EVENT and ADD CAMP buttons to post to our calendars. OR...

b) Link your user ID to your organization or post a new org: If your user ID is not already attached to your organization, go to Step 2 above.

*It is always FREE to have a listing on KidsOutAndAbout.com and post to our calendars!

Spreading the word beyond the free listing

We have a number of low-cost ways to make your information hyper-visible to our readers! We offer image, content, and video advertising on the KidsOutAndAbout.com website and in our weekly e-newsletters. Click here to find the media kit for your region showing options, prices, and reader demographics, with contact information for our sales team. We NEVER sell you advertising you don't need, and we have options to fit every goal and budget.