Barnes & Noble River Oaks | What’s happening in Houston

Barnes & Noble River Oaks

2030 West Gray
Houston , TX , 77019
Phone: 713.522.8571
29° 45' 12.8412" N, 95° 24' 35.7228" W
Contact name: 
Michelle Nelson
Business/organization type: 
What our organization offers: 
Subjects / Categories: 
Seasons / holidays: 
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
Our events focus on encourage children to become avid readers!

Our children's programs are a great way to encourage children to become avid readers, as well as to inspire future booksellers. Through the use of costume characters, the Summer Reading Program, Holiday Book Drive and more, your store has the opportunity to put a book in a child's hand and get him or her excited about the words on each page.