VolleyFitsU | What’s happening in Houston


2701 Cypress Point Drive
Missouri City , TX , 77459
Phone: (713) 894-6794
29° 34' 53.3748" N, 95° 32' 37.2228" W
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VolleyFitsU! is a fitness program designed to develop fundamental skills and to improve body composition by challenging muscular strength, flexibility, and speed through cardio workouts combined with volleyball drills and exercises.

VolleyFitsU! is a fitness program designed to develop fundamental skills and to improve body composition by challenging muscular strength, flexibility, and speed through cardio workouts combined with volleyball drills and exercises. It is a fitness program designed to work different areas of the body to decrease body fat, increase muscle mass, boost metabolism, increase endurance and accelerate speed as participants reach for the goal to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle.

VolleyFitsU! is focused on physically developing players in the early stages of life by providing a fitness program that will enhance their performance and knowledge of the sport as they utilize the volleyball skills and drills to prepare them for their future in athletics.

Our goal is to create a positive, fun, fitness oriented environment and provide our participants with not only the skills and knowledge of the game but the opportunity to move toward a healthy and active lifestyle.
